Future of Work Roundup - Week of July 31

July 31, 2023

Future of Work Roundup - Week of July 31

Welcome to the Future of Work Roundup. Each week, we bring you five top stories—drawing from the latest academic research and industry trends—to give you an easily-digestible snapshot of how work is changing—and why it matters.

Fortune’s Guide to Personal Branding for Promotions

Fortune reports on strategies for developing a personal brand to aid in obtaining promotions and salary increases in the workplace. The publication emphasizes the importance of strategic approach to presenting oneself to management. 

The ‘Top Gun’ Takeover in Executive Training

The New York Times article sheds light on the surge of high-risk 'Top Gun' style executive training courses. While these programs are increasingly embraced for potential leadership skill enhancement, their influence on routine business activities is still questionable.

Hybrid Work Sparks Gym, Suburb Offices

Chicago Tribune highlights the emerging trend of co-working spaces in luxury gyms and suburban areas, fueled by the shift to hybrid work. This novel approach caters to the evolving workspace demands in our increasingly hybrid work landscape." 

The Hybrid Work Revolution

Medium delves into the hybrid work revolution, highlighting its benefits and challenges. The piece garners expert insights on workplace evolution, talent diversity, space optimization, and technology limitations in this new work era. 

Working from Anywhere: A new Era of Digital Nomadism at Airbnb

Fortune shares Airbnb employee Bergen Kay’s experience working remotely from South America. Highlighting improved job performance and work-life balance, the article underscores the rising demand for work flexibility. 

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for next week’s Future of Work roundup.