
Gartner: Increasing PC Retrieval Rates

The Challenge:

In today's hybrid work environment, companies face a significant hurdle: ensuring the timely return of PCs from remote employees. Shockingly, many businesses see only a 70% return rate, with some industries dipping as low as 50%.

Why the Hold-Up?

Most employees delay due to unclear instructions, fear of data loss, or simply a lack of urgency. Others find the process too cumbersome. IT departments, meanwhile, often lack the tools and strategies to effectively track and manage returns.

Key Recommendations:

  1. Craft Clear Policies: Collaborate with HR and legal to establish transparent guidelines. Define expectations, detail the return process, and set firm deadlines.
  2. Streamline the Return Process:
  • Offer accessible drop-off points.
  • Use courier services for home pick-ups.
  • Automate follow-ups for consistency.
  1. Motivate with Incentives:
  • Reward timely returns with gift cards or raffle entries.
  • Introduce employee purchase programs with superior equipment options to deter retention.

Get the Full Picture:

This is just a glimpse of our comprehensive analysis on maximizing enterprise PC returns. For a deep dive into the challenges, insights, and actionable strategies, download the full report now and empower your organization to navigate the remote work landscape effectively.

Stay ahead with insights that adhere to Gartner's gold-standard of research and analysis.

Improve PC Return Rates For Remote Employees

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Gartner: Increasing PC Retrieval Rates

Improve PC Return Rates For Remote Employees

The Challenge:

In today's hybrid work environment, companies face a significant hurdle: ensuring the timely return of PCs from remote employees. Shockingly, many businesses see only a 70% return rate, with some industries dipping as low as 50%.

Why the Hold-Up?

Most employees delay due to unclear instructions, fear of data loss, or simply a lack of urgency. Others find the process too cumbersome. IT departments, meanwhile, often lack the tools and strategies to effectively track and manage returns.

Key Recommendations:

  1. Craft Clear Policies: Collaborate with HR and legal to establish transparent guidelines. Define expectations, detail the return process, and set firm deadlines.
  2. Streamline the Return Process:
  • Offer accessible drop-off points.
  • Use courier services for home pick-ups.
  • Automate follow-ups for consistency.
  1. Motivate with Incentives:
  • Reward timely returns with gift cards or raffle entries.
  • Introduce employee purchase programs with superior equipment options to deter retention.

Get the Full Picture:

This is just a glimpse of our comprehensive analysis on maximizing enterprise PC returns. For a deep dive into the challenges, insights, and actionable strategies, download the full report now and empower your organization to navigate the remote work landscape effectively.

Stay ahead with insights that adhere to Gartner's gold-standard of research and analysis.